📝 Asset Types

As described in the Assets documentation, Parcel represents each input file as an Asset. Asset types are represented as classes inheriting from the base Asset class and implementing the required interface to parse, analyze dependencies, transform, and code generate.

Because Parcel processes assets in parallel across multiple processor cores, the transforms that asset types can perform are limited to those that operate on a single file at a time. For transforms across multiple files, a custom Packager can be used.

Asset Interface

const { Asset } = require('parcel-bundler')

class MyAsset extends Asset {
  type = 'foo' // set the main output type.

  async parse(code) {
    // parse code to an AST
    return ast

  async pretransform() {
    // optional. transform prior to collecting dependencies.

  collectDependencies() {
    // analyze dependencies

  async transform() {
    // optional. transform after collecting dependencies.

  async generate() {
    // code generate. you can return multiple renditions if needed.
    // results are passed to the appropriate packagers to generate final bundles.
    return [
        type: 'foo',
        value: 'my stuff here' // main output
        type: 'js',
        value: 'some javascript', // alternative rendition to be placed in JS bundle if needed

  async postProcess(generated) {
    // Process after all code generating has been done
    // Can be used for combining multiple asset types

module.exports = MyAsset

Registering an Asset Type

You can register your asset type with a bundler using the addAssetType method. It accepts a file extension to register, and the path to your asset type module. It is a path rather than the actual object so that it can be passed to worker processes.

const Bundler = require('parcel-bundler')

let bundler = new Bundler('input.js')
bundler.addAssetType('.ext', require.resolve('./MyAsset'))

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